
court dress 朝服,大禮服。

court fool

No , that s noise . minuet of don giovanni he s playing now . court dresses of all descriptions in castle chambers dancing 在城堡那一間間大廳里翩翩起舞的宮廷那五顏六色的服飾,外面卻是悲慘的莊稼人,他們饑腸轆轆,面帶菜色,吃的是酸模葉子。

“ while there will never be unanimity of view about court dress , the desirability of these changes has a broad measure of agreement , “ phillips said 菲利普斯說: “對于法庭著裝,從來不會有一致的意見。目前的這些改革得到了廣泛支持。 ”

An location shooting at mainland china , yeung chun , also presents the serious attitude of the court dresses are newly designed and specially made for all artistes 一部劇力萬鈞的重頭鉅制。劇情鋒回路轉,觀眾絕對不容錯過。

After wicklow lane the window of madame doyle , court dress milliner , stopped him 走過威克洛巷后,來到多伊爾夫人朝服女帽頭飾店的櫥窗前。

Merrion square style . balldresses , by god , and court dresses 好多件舞衣,哎唷,還有不少件宮廷服裝。

Bloom in court dress . can give best references 一張寫了些字的紙條被遞交給法庭。

The truth that gets into a law court is not the naked truth but the truth in court dress . 進入法庭的事實都不是赤裸裸的事實,而是穿著法律外衣的事實。

As a young man he had quite liked to put on court dress and cut a dash . 他年輕時很愿意穿上朝服出出風頭。